"The first treatment I had with Alicia took place 12 weeks after I had broken my leg. At this point, due to complications and despite regular physiotherapy, I was still taking the maximum dose of painkillers, wheelchair bound and sleeping downstairs. The consultant at the Fracture Clinic had warned me that if there continued to be no response to treatment, they would have to operate to re-break my ankle, so that I could regain my mobility. During the first session of lymphatic drainage however, the swelling in my ankle had subsided sufficiently for me to weight bear using crutches. A second treatment, one week later, resulted in me being able to manage stairs and start taking trips outside the home. After the third I had no need for the wheelchair and could walk on level ground without crutches."

Female client 50 year old

"I started seeing Alicia for treatment for back problems. I had seen several osteopaths for a number of years, sometimes 3 times a week. My back would regularly go into spasm and would resemble a figure “S” from the front or rear, it would totally debilitate me. The usual crunching that goes on for 15 minutes at the osteopaths, prior to being told to come back in 2 days, just didn’t work for more than a short time and the muscles would just seize up again.
Alicia performed “Bowen” on me and even during the first treatment I could feel the muscles on my back literally moving back to where they should be. I can say that I walked out a lot straighter than I did when I went in.
Over the period of the next few days my back straightened considerably and all pain disappeared.
My second treatment, after a week completely fixed me. I now only go back for “top ups” every few months, more for relaxation and general maintenance than because of a problem. I have not visited an osteopath since!"

Male, 40 year old


"I first came to see Alicia 12 years ago, when she was still working in London. Since then she has helped me recover from various sporting injuries, including an amazingly speedy recovery from a torn anterior cruiciate ligament. The most spectacular recovery was when I had a very painful frozen shoulder, one visit to Alicia and two days later I completed a 50 mile cycle and 3 days later I was up a 30ft tree on a Go Ape session - incredible. Without her I think my body would have given up a long time ago, but I continue to push it to its limits through cycling, swimming, running, badminton and triathlon and Alicia continues to repair anything I strain. The best thing about Alicia’s treatments, is that she is able to mix and match to perfectly compliment the ailment, always finding the best possible solution. Even though I now have to travel 100 miles to see her, I have never been able to find anyone half as good and will continue to visit her for the next 12 years and beyond."

Female client 42 year old 


"After years of suffering from anxiety, which worsened each month towards my period, I thought the only thing that could help me was Prozac. I had tried counselling, hypnosis and acupuncture to no avail.
I attended Alicia's clinic feeling hugely sceptical. I mean, how can touching someone's body, help my mental state?
I have now been seeing Alicia for over a year and we have worked together through a mixture of using the Bowen technique, counselling, along with some Bach remedies.
My marriage had become very strained due to my anxiety and my husband will confirm how much better things are now. My relationships with my children have improved too. I am less paranoid and tense and can cope with stress better.
I will always be prone to anxiety, but I have not taken Prozac now for over a year and never, ever want to go down that route again! Thanks to Alicia's support and treatment I have made huge progress."

Female aged 34

"Approximately 3 years ago I suffered an injury to my back in the lower spine area. This caused constant and intense pain especially when sitting. I could not sit for more than 20 minutes and then I could barely walk once I eventually stood up. Several times each day I needed to lay flat on the floor for half an hour or so to try to relieve pain Being a computer systems engineer I needed to be able to work sitting down for long periods.
Over the course of 18 months I visited the GP, a chiropractor and a physio therapist for treatment. None of the prescribed treatments had any noticeable affect on either the pain or my mobility.
Through chance my wife met Alicia Smith who was so confident that she could restore my well being that my wife insisted I attend her clinic. I was totally sceptical about the treatment or that it could possibly do any good where more conventional treatments had failed. Alicia said she expected she could relieve my pain and restore my mobility in three treatment sessions. To pacify my wife I agreed to attend three sessions.
During my first treatment on a Sunday, I recall laying on the treatment table thinking to myself how ridiculous it was and what a waste of time and money this was going to be. I left that treatment feeling much the same as I did when I arrived and went home.
The following week on the Tuesday I had to write a report for a customer. This involved some complex spreadsheet analysis and I was sat for about 2 hrs. I decided I really fancied a mug of tea so stood up, walked to the kitchen, made a tea and sat down again. Only once I sat back down did it occur to me how effortless and pain free the manoeuvre had been. In that moment I concluded that whatever Alicia had done had certainly provided some considerable relief.
I attended two further treatments in close succession and during the days following each I enjoyed further improvement. I have absolutely no doubt that the treatment has restored mobility and relieved a considerable amount of pain. I now visit the clinic about every 6 weeks for a "top up".
I think it would be fair to say that the Bowen treatment has not "fixed" my back problem, but what it has done is to alleviate the pain and improve my mobility enabling me to exercise again and enjoy general improved well being.
I would (and frequently do) recommend Alicia Smith to anybody suffering with a chronic back complaint who does not believe they are making any progress with conventional medicine. I would be delighted to discuss my experience with anyone considering the treatment and have authorised Alicia to provide contact details to anyone so interested."

Male aged 49